Rifle Magazine

Photo By Mustafa Bilal


    The original 6.5x54mm Mannilcher-style   Mauser featuring   double   square
bridge with integral scope
ring  bases  was  shipped
to  the  U.S.  from  Europe
after  World-War II.  The
stock  had  been cut  into
two   pieces   to   accom-
modate the shipping con-tainer,  and  the  rifle  was subsequently rechamber-
ed to .257 Roberts.
It  was a poor shooter, and
the present owner decided
to  have  it reworked into a lightweight Mannlicher-style Mauser again, utilizung the original  scope  mount sys-

   The  present  7x57mm
rifle   features  a  quarter
rib   by  Steve  Heilmann
with  one  standing  and
one folding sight in add-ition to the 6x Schmidt & Bender scope. The nose cap  slips on  the  barrel
and serves to hold the forestock in position.The
stock was fasioned from  Turkish  walnut  by  Paul
G. Dressel Jr., and fea-tures  32 lpi  checkering with mullered borders and a modified English cheek piece  tops  off  the  butt-stock.
    Blueing   and   French
gray on the floorplate are  
by Roger Kehr. The roebuck engraved on the floorplate is the work of Richard Boucher. The overall design was done by Paul.

    The rifle has been to Africa once  and  Scotland  twice, collecting  warthog,  various antelope species, European stag, roebuck, etc.

    Other  details  include  a Krieger  barrel,  Talley  sling swivels  and  bottom  metal work and  McFarland  butt-plate,   grip  cap   and  bolt handle. The safety has two positions, on  or off, at  the owner’s  request.


Rifle 148

July-August 1993