Gun Trader's Guide

Cover Design And Photographs: Ray Wells
Front And Back Covers: Detailed views of the Ruger No. 1
Presentation Grade Rifle. This .270-caliber custom classic
features the mountain lion in finely sculptured gold inlays. It is
the second of 21 in the new "North American" series planned
by Ruger.
Cover Design And Photographs: Ray Wells
Front And Back Covers: Detailed views of the Ruger No. 1Presentation Grade Rifle. This .270-caliber custom classicfeatures the mountain lion in finely sculptured gold inlays. It isthe second of 21 in the new "North American" series plannedby Ruger.
Metalwork: Mark Penrod
Stockwork: Paul Dressel, Jr.
Engraver: Frantz Marktl